Celebrating my birthday as well as using the Black Friday momentum to offer THE sale of the year and giving you what you desire for incredible reduced prices. This year, for the first time upon your request, I've included my 1:1 mentoring
may this portal serve you. much love, stephanie
For my women who have been side-eyeing single sessions with me for a long time or want to stock up their 1:1 with me without longer committment
3 x 90min 1:1 Single Session including 5 days of follow up support via email
To be taken within 5 months
25% off!
Payment options: pay in full CHF 555 or pay in 2 monthly installments of CHF 277.50
chf 555 instead of chf 750 | 6 bundles available

You have been yearning to do a 3 month deep dive mentoring with me but your financial situation doesn't fully allow it? I gotchu.
My complete 3 month deep dive 1:1 mentoring + healing program:
Bi-weekly 90min 1:1 sessions (6)
3x 60min Theta-Healing sessions
Unlimited private access & support between the sessions via Telegram
Distance healing, tailor-made homework and bespoke rituals + practices
Yoni Egg Initiation & Yoni Egg
Start in January or February 2023
1 spot for CHF 1'111 - for a woman who is a student or having an income below CHF 3'000
2 spots for CHF 2'222 - for any woman desiring this spot
Payment options: pay in full or through 3 monthly payments
1 spot for chf 1'111 | 2 spots for chf 2'222
For my in-person queens who just love to receive nourishment, teachings + feminine wisdom in person
All access pass to the Sacred Circle events 2023
Yoni Egg Initiation including 1 Yoni Egg upon your choice
any other live event I might run
please note: The Priestess Journey is not included in this bundle
Payment options: pay in full CHF 555 or pay in 2 monthly installments of CHF 277.50
chf 555 instead of chf 1'111 | 5 bundles available