Private Mentorship
Bespoke Guidance & Mentorship for devoted feminine practitioners, space holders & women on the journey of the deep feminine.
Autumn 2024 applications open now
Beautiful woman​
I am honored that you are considering mentorship with me. To me, mentorship is a sacred thread woven between you and me, supporting you in reaching your desires in life, love and your relationship to the feminine.
I mentor women both in:
embodying deeper qualities of the feminine
in every aspect of life: Sacred Feminine Arts Mentorship
becoming skillful practitioners, teachers & space holders of the feminine arts: Practitioner Mentorship
​To explore those two different paths, scroll down and receive. I am happy to answer any questions that are coming up for you.

Sacred Feminine Mentorship
for women wanting to embody deeper aspects of their
feminine essence and becoming an offering of love, feminine wisdom & power in their everyday lives, relationships & work

Applications for Autumn/Winter are open

What we can work on together
Facilitation Skills: Feminine Embodiment Practitioner, Women's Circles, Space Holding
1:1 Practitioner Training: Feminine Embodiment Practitioner, Sacred Feminine Arts Teacher
Deepening your embodiment as a woman
Living as an offering of love & feminine devotion
Embodied feminine leadership & feminine artistry in love, sex & business