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The 5 Week Mentoring intensive for the woman who is done being stuck in her masculine over-drive, forcing and exhausting herself – and ready to fully committ to living, creating and loving from her feminine core.
Hello, beloved

My name is Stephanie and I'm a Feminine Embodiment Mentor, Teacher of the Sacred Feminine Arts and mentor to women like you:


You are a feminine embodiment teacher, a modern day mystic, a woman with a cause: and you are stuck in the rat-race of doing, doing, doing, never allowing yourself to rest – and if, only for the nice IG picture – urgency and feeling like you should be way further along.


You desire so much to truly live your life from your feminine core – as this is what you are teaching upon – yet you know you don't.


Your days are filled with hustle and bustle, doing over being, and it's just quite hard for you to implement what you teach & preach into your everyday life.


This is where I come in..

The Feminine Depth & Devotion 5 Week Mentoring Intensive is your initiation into your soft, devotional and surrendered feminine core.
In 5 weeks Stephanie guides you to let go of masculine over-drive and artfully weave the feminine into your everyday life & business.

This 5 week intensive mentoring is a powerful invitation and initiation for the woman who is done doing her feminine energy practice but still staying stuck with patterns of pressure, urgency and the deep belief that you only get to create and receive through pressure, hustle and over-doing.


As a fellow feminine business owner you can see yourself being trapped in structures and patterns of over-doing, pushing and hustling yourself to exhaustion, while believing that only doing = money, clients and creation.


As a woman on a mission, being held up with 


You so yearn for more connection to yourself, more activation of your inner channel, your fierce truth and creativity – far away from imprints of the coaching industry – and to do it all the feminine way.


You are ready for your era of softness and feminine living.

This is you 

you desire to tap deeper into your feminine energy and let go of patterns of control, mind-fuck and staying stuck in pressure and urgency


you are done doing your feminine practice but then still stay trapped in patterns of accomplishment only comes through the hustle, push and over-doing


you want to be fully 


you are ready to create from pleasure, being and soft but fierce turn-on, rather than pushing, forcing and hustling

What's included
  • 5 weeks of tight-knit mentoring

  • 5 x 1:1 Sessions of 60-75mins each (weekly)

  • 5 foundational teachings with material (meditations + embodiment practices) that you can use for integration in the months to come

  • Usually one week of integration in the middle of our time together

  • 2 days of Telegram access & support per week​


Investment: ​CHF 1'500​

* payment plans available


Setting of this mentoring & expectations​


Feminine descent and reclamation of the feminine is a deeply individual and non-linear journey. What you receive in this container is 1:1 support and teachings which will be your starting point and guiding point for future integration. This is is not a business or marketing mentoring, yet the core foundation of a women- and womb-led business.

"I just really love working with you Stephanie, as you ask the right questions, freely share your confronting thoughts, but at the same time always give me the feeling of being held and loved just the way I am. My biggest breakthrough is truly learning to be more, embracing my feminine essence fully and activating my high Priestess again. Since working with Stephanie, I’m way more creative, am able to be more and heal aspects that blocked me from fully stepping into my power."

Delia, Deep Dive Mentoring

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