Devotional Heart is my signature 12-Month Mentoring program for women who desire to have consistent yet spacious 1:1 support throughout a whole year.
My signature program has supported over 15 women throughout the last 3 years in deepening into themselves, their feminine essence and receiving tailor-made support in any aspect of their life they desired. The setting of one monthly session, instead of several sessions per months, in combination with direct access to me and three opportunities to dive into a topic even deeper over the course of a full or half day gives the perfect blend for any women wanting steady, sustainable growth honoring your body, heart, nervous system and feminine nature.
In short: 12 months of sustainable & feminine growth unfolding into your deepest desires while honoring your body, heart, nervous system and feminine nature, deepen into connection with yourself, release fears + roadblocks and fully embrace your femininity, truth, power + purpose

You have done initial healing work, danced with your inner child and looked at your shadows. And you want to move forward. Being held in a safe space while expanding, exploring and growing even deeper into her truest self, authentic feminine expression and the woman who you know you are becoming and meant to be.
You are devoted to the path of self-recognition, inner healing and growth, desiring steady, spacious and continous support along the way.
Devotional Heart is for the woman who is self-leading, knows where she wants to go and want's to have guidance by her side that is rooted in a body-heart-honoring foundation, the feminine + a committment to guiding her closer to her truth.
You desire to
filling the small missing pieces and land in a space of radical self-acceptance, felt inner worthiness and self love
finally fully own who you are – on every level – and being able to unapologetically own and speak your truth
deepen into the feminine embodiment work you've done before: deepening into your unique + authentic feminine essence, integrating her even deeper into her live as well as opening yourself up to even more flavors + expressions of the feminine
tap even deeper into your wild feminine heart and your sensual body and be able to balance consciously between the different feminine archetypes and roles in your life
move forward in life feeling unshakeable inner trust, knowing that your fears + blockages are not holding you back
work on specific areas of your life, e.g. relationship to the masculine, owning your truth, people-pleaser syndrome, worthiness
unfold into your highest purpose and oh yes – there are so many desires you yearn for to be fulfilled
You are done with
still feeling those painful bits and pieces where you question your worthiness, don't trust if you are good enough and make yourself small
going from sharing your truth to hiding, because you are afraid of no longer being loved
sliding back into old people-pleaser + good girl syndrome patterns
feeling stuck in your feminine embodiment and seeing yourself neglecting your feminine essence
seeing exactly how unhealthy patterns play out (e.g. father wound in relationship) but not being able to show up differently
- thinking you have to choose between being mother, lover, wild woman – and feeling highly influenced by our societies belief construct
- letting yourself be held back by fears, limitations and blockages
knowing that you'll stay stuck in certain areas of your life if you don't get the support you need

12 Months of high level mentorship, intimate support + guidance with a mentor that cares deeply for you and your unique journey
Monthly 90min deep dive 1:1 mentoring sessions (12)
1 VIP Day, held in-person if possible or online
2 Half-Day Sessions to dive deep into a specific topic (3-3,5 hours)
Daily support, coaching + space holding via Telegram
Investment: CHF 7'500
Different payment options available (e.g. monthly CHF 650, or making a pre-payment between 1'500 and 3'000 and adjusted monthly payments). There are two spots per year reserved for women with a low income (CHF 3'000 and below) who can join for a fracture of the actual price. Past clients (3 months minimum) have a special reduced pricing option.
enrolment period 1: february – spring equinox 21.3.2023
enrolment period 2: september – autumn equinox
autumn enrolment opens august 2023 and closes equinox

So much has changed for me in the past months..i'm so grateful I decided to take this journey with you!!
I'm much more balanced, I feel much better in the days/week before my period starts. I have alot more energy, there are hardly any days that I feel like sleepin the whole time. I learned how to love my body and I'm in a happy&healthy relationship. Oh and im more committed to my stuff!!still workin on it though..
I felt held and understood in every session. She helped me embody and embrace whatever was present. There is no sugarcoating or bypassing. What I loved the most was Stephanies way of holding the mirror to my actions and her ass kicking when needed!! Just great! Through mentoring with Stephanie, I finally took my first baby steps into entrepreneurship. Stephanie always supported me to show more of my magic and my gifts. She saw my light when I didn't. If you feel there is missing joy and success in your life and your business - Stephanie is your guide!
After this year of working with Stephanie very closely I was able to connect to myself on a very deep level, I know exactly what I want and where I want to go. I know when to listen to my body & slow down, but I also know when to balance myself and give myself structure. I also very quickly detect constructs, that are destined to keep us small and free myself from them. I have overcome depression, trauma and some very challenging situations along the way, because she taught me many practices on how to really feel and integrate them. I finally feel like I have stepped into my truth.
Daliba, Hairstylist
Wanda, Yoga Teacher + Facilitator
Elisa, Student