I know what you desire. Your yearning is a deep as the ocean, as vast as the landscape of your heart and as present as your heartbeat:
You want to be loved. Deeply.
You crave nothing more than to be chosen, loved, held and passionately ravished by your masculine partner.
His strength leading you, allowing you to surrender into the depth of your femininity.
confident in who you are, sharing your bare naked soul with your beloved
ready to walk away from anything that is not love.
Deeply rooted in your feminine, owning who you are to the core, no longer hiding, shrinking and trying to be loved for who you aren't. Your old pains and hurts integrated and brought healing to.
No longer attracting what isn't for you, perpetuating toxic cycles in your relationship and letting your inner child who is thirsty for love run the show.

Enchantress is a 5-week live online course for women who desire grounded and real-life support in creating the relationship they desire, on a foundation of healing and honoring masculine and feminine energetics within relationship.
The focus of this 5 week course is to get aware of unhealthy patterns and bring healing to them, as well as the past. A big emphasis is put on inner child (wounded maiden) healing, which usually is a big block to women succeeding in relationships, as well as cultivating a healty relationship to their heart and bringing healing to the relationship to the masculine.
This is a course for any woman who desires to heal the past and get the tools to be able to create the intimacy, deep love, safety and polarity she craves.

Feeling absolutely liberated and free, because you've cleared your unhealthy relationship patterns, beliefs and brought healing to the past
Being deeply rooted in your feminine core, leaning back and open to receive in your relationship
No longer feeling needy, co-dependent, afraid of abandonment and jealous!
Being able to see and hold your wounded little girl (inner child) and no longer sabotaging your relationship and dating life through her running the show
Feeling safe no matter the amount of attention your partner provides to you
Being able to communicate with love and move through difficult situations
Communicating your needs & boundaries clearly
Revealing the gift of your open heart to your partner – and feeling save doing so
Creating smoldering polarity & intimacy at your fingertips
Leaning back with ease and simmer in your feminine essence, so your partner is magnetically drawn to you and receive more
Imagine this, my love
this is what Enchantress will do for you
Enchantress is the course where I'll guide you through the exact steps I took from being in unhealthy, non-committed relationships all my live to calling in the love of my life.
I’ve been struggling with romantic relationships since I can think. Most of them were a symphony of on-off, hoping, waiting to be chosen, feeling desperate because it just seemed like I was unable to attract real and deep love – a man who will chose me over and over again, while I get to be in my feminine essence. I had ton's of limiting beliefs, like "they always choose someone else", "men are weak" and "maybe love is just not for me" keeping me from attracting true love.
My inexistent luck in love was actually the reason I got into Feminine Embodiment and doing the work I do today 🥰
After four years of deep learning, healing and transforming, I called in the love of my life. Within one year we moved in together, shared beautiful vacations together and essential depth, love and life-changing intimacy.
I am combining my own lived experience with my trainings in healing for the feminine, father wound & relationships as well as all the situations I was able to support my clients with.
Enchantress is for the woman who..
wants to call in or create a relationship based on deep intimacy, connection and love with her masculine king
yearns to lead from her feminine essence, be able to lean back and receive as well as reveal the gifts of her feminine oracle & heart
yearns to finally feel confident, worthy and self-sovereign in her relationship
wants to feel fully whole, desirable and sexy by herself
wants to be able to share her desires with ease, create healthy boundaries & navigate conflict
craves to be able to evoke more polarity and his masculine leadership with ease
is ready to unleash the sacred initiatress, enchantress and seductress in the relationship
often attracting unavailable/unsuitable men or being in a relationship which does not fulfill the cravings of your heart
repeating unhealthy relationship patterns aka keep dating the same man
often finding yourself chasing, trying to move the relationship forward and feeling frustrated about it
- feeling desperate and helpless because you never seem to get your needs met / experience the deep love you want
feeling insecure, being afraid of being abandoned, left and not good enough for your man
mothering your partner and trying to push im forward
- communicating your needs & bounadries
- feel dependent on your partner's attention & love
- men not showing up in their masculine for you, never moving forward or taking action
the lack of sexual tension and polarity
..might struggle with
This is when you set up your dating profile that we look at all together and start your journey 🥰
module 1 - healing the past
clearing and healing your relationship past & patterns
past relationship forgiveness & heart-clearing
understanding the mechanisms behind your patterns
gentle heart re-connection
module 3 - healing the masculine
masculine and feminine in relationship
what the masculine needs from you to thrive
healing your relationship to the masculine: father wound healing
masculine committment process
module 5 - devotional love
owning your desires as an offering
deepening into the frequency of love and being able to maintain love, openness and devotion in relationship
handling conflict, difficult situations & challenges
owning your role as the oracle of the relationship
module 2 - healing the wounded maiden
the difference between showing up from the embodied feminine and the wounded little girl
inner child healing on abandonement, being loveable and safe
clear little girl behavior: day-dreaming, obsessing, waiting, feeling needy, pushing forward, emotional manipulation
module 4 - feminine relating principles
dating & relating from your feminine core
your heart as the foundation to feminine-led love
5 feminine archetypes in love and their shadow aspects
releasing mothering, manipulating, little girl behaviour
healthy communication & boundaries
cultivating self-love and connection while in relationship

CHF 397
CHF 297 Early Bird until 17.3.2023
Now enrolling for Spring 2023 Co-Hort | Start 23rd of March
This course is open for women single, dating or in a relationship. The calls take place interchangably in the evenings (Tuesdays & Wednesdays) and at lunch time (Fridays). All content is recorded and will be yours forever. If you are struggling financially, please let me know and we'll be able to accomodate you.